Feed Trading is a core part of what we do at Jackson Holmes.
The demand for feed trading and on-demand feed supply has grown steadily since we started in 1991 and we are now able to offer an extensive range of feed supplements to customers throughout all of Canterbury including some products New Zealand wide.
Our Sales Reps, Bruce Lilley and Hamish Monk handle everything related to supplementary stock feed trading.
Their collective extensive farming and feed trade background gives our clients direct access to their knowledge and expertise.
Our Sales and Contracting team work closely every day to ensure that sales are followed through with the first-class service that our clients and suppliers have come to rely on.
Get in touch with Bruce Lilley or Hamish Monk to discuss all of your supplementary feed requirements. Whether you’re thinking about buying or selling, we are happy to chat about current prices and work out the best option for you.
Supplementary Feed Products
Grass, Lucerne, Maize, Cereal Silage
Standing Crops - Baled - Chopped - Balage Supply -
Rye Grass, Barley, Wheat, Oat, Cocksfoot, Fescue, Prairie Grass, Brome, Linseed, Pea Straw - All Types of Hay
Fodder Beet, Swedes, Kale, Rape
Green Feed Oats - All Types of Winter Feed for Grazing
Barley, Wheat, Oats - All Types of Feed Grain
Compost, Pig Manure, all types of Organic Manure available for promoting Soil Health
If you have any questions regarding feed trading, please contact one of our Sales Reps or fill in the inquiry form below.

Bruce Lilley Sales Representive

Hamish Monk Sales Representive
Get in Touch
Please provide us with details about your supplementary feed requirements.